Today modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations and demands. Every one having several goals and do lot of work and efforts to achieve their goals as soon as possible. People have to face different kind of stress and tension for the fulfillment of their goals. But many people don’t know what stress is and what tension is. People cannot differentiate between stress and tension resulting in many psychological problems. No one in this world can claim that he or she is not in the state of stress or tension. So it is very important to know what stress is and what tension is and how to get rid of them. Tension is normal and common that occur when some thing happening against our interest and we feel uncomfertable.Tension and stress is pretty common and we can trace it back to a source like overloaded at work, family, etc
Stress is caused when we work too much over than our stamina. It comes due to unhealthy expectations and due to too much work without proper planning and pressure from external sources. In our daily life we associate stress with tension. Stress is always harmful for the human mind and body. As we know that excess of every thing is bad so moderate level of stress is helpful to perform your best under little pressure and motivate you to do your best. It is important to recognize the level of stress when your level of stress is out of control. It is very dangerous we don’t notice that how much it affecting us. Stress affecting our mind body and behavior and every person experience it differently. Ability to tolerate the stress depends upon many factors including our relationship, our experience with environment, emotional intelligence, and genetics.
Causes of Stress
Stress caused by different factors it may be internal factors or external factors. Every person can have different factors of stress due to some internal factors or some people due to external factors.
External Factors
External factors can be 1) major life changes 2)economic problems 3)work or job 4) bad relationship with others 5)being too busy over loaded work 6)family and children.7)noise 8)pollutions 9)environment etc. many people think that stress in their life is out of control but you can control the way you respond to it. By managing the things and performing your work different task on time and balanced relationship with every one save your self from stress. Change your thinking, thoughts, and negative feelings save your self from it. Always think positive and behave positively save your self from mental illness stress, tension, anxiety etc.
Internal Factors
Internal factors of stress include attitude, feelings, thoughts, overall health and fitness, memory, imagination, amount of sleep and rest etc. Take care of yourself and making time for proper sleep and relaxation reduce your stress level. Now-a-days people take different medicines and drugs to reduce the stress but you can also reduce the stress by doing different type of message, sleep and change your mind from stress full things to other after that you feel very relax.

Tension in psychology is a state of mental or emotional strainer suspense. Psychological tension having some common symptoms high blood pressure, sleep disturb-ens,short temper, focus and concentration problem,forgetfulness,stomach problems ,food digestion problem,alcohol and drug use, relationship difficulties ,depression etc if u not having all these symptoms but even having one symptom from psychological tension its vital that u face these symptoms as soon as possible so it is very important to understand it and take some precautions to get rid of them other wise it is harmful and dangerous for health. If we do not take some precautions to cure psychological tension than sign and symptoms will begin interfere your life psychological tension must be addressed before it effects your entire life and before problems such as heart problems and many other serious problems .responsibility for performing your duties is good but do not forget the time for relax and sleep and need to take care your self. If you not do some fun exercise and any other relaxation activity you will not be at your best and this will affect your entire life don’t allow stress to rule your life.