We can wake up with a sore throat the day we are set to make a major presentation, with an acidic stomach after eating a seafood-salad sandwich can stay awaken because of aching ear. Any time a common sickness can catch us. All of us need a live in physician to fix our everyday aches and pains. Though it's important to keep in mind that serious conditions need the attention of a doctor but there are some home remedies that are like having doctor’s prescription.
Read on for homemade medicines for common ailments to treat them quickly, safely and effectively.
Another option: use 1/4 cup of oatmeal and enough water to make a paste that you can apply directly to the skin for 10 minutes, she says.
Cool the burn
Honey is especially good for severe burns. It will stop infection, stimulate skin regeneration and keep the burned area moist. Honey is better for burns than nearly all medical interventions, even for third-degree burns.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Juice 1 beet, 1 piece of green cabbage (about the size of a medium carrot), 3 carrots, 4 stalks of celery and 4 leaves of fresh plantain. Plantain is a common plant you can usually find growing in front yards, and is unrelated to the banana of the same name. Cabbage and plantain are the most important ingredients, but they don’t taste very good by themselves. The other ingredients will improve the taste while assisting your adrenal glands, liver and immune system. Drink this juice every morning for breakfast, eat oatmeal for lunch, and have whatever you want for dinner. Irritable bowel syndrome will clear fairly rapidly on this regimen.
Sore throat
You can also use clove for sore throat. Cloves have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to soothe and heal infected throat. You can make its tea and drink with added honey, or you can have a combination of powdered cloves in warm water and gargle with it. It is effective in both forms.
Urinary tract health
Your dinner was too delicious and you could not stop yourself from stuffing it in your poor stomach, you will feel vomiting and weight on your stomach after some time. But don’t worry, here is the solution. Take one and a half cup of water and put some fresh or dried mint, fennel, and green cardamom and boil till one cup is remained in the pot. Then squeeze the half lemon into it and calm.