I-Phone 6 review (Rumors)

I-Phone 6 review (Rumors)
Gadgets lovers are waiting for the new I-Phone 6. Rumors about I-Phone 6 are on the top of blowing air. Everyone wants to know that, what its features will be. They are exited for the new applications and small gadgets in the small gadgets, useful for them.
Some rumors tell that there will be a cheaper I-Phone which may not be I-Phone 6. It may be I-Phone 5S. It is also being said that this I-Phone will have an artificial chases a bit similar to I-Phone 3GS, or at the end of hybrid artificial-ironic design.  This I-Phone 6 will release in early summer of 2013 or in the September.

I-Phone Design

I-Phone 6 review (Rumors)
Some of the customers of the I-Phone said that the extra large screen of the I-Phone 5 was very abnormal its look is unusual at good. The other customers enjoyed the large screen and complemented that the screen wag big enough for them. Considering I-Phone 5, the screen of I-Phone 6 will also be large and it is also being said that with this larger screen and large keyboard it will be possible to write Books, Webpage, and E-mails in an easy and convenient way. Apart from this larger screen`s beauty, it will be worse to hold I-Phone 6 in s single hand.
The I-Phone 6 might hide all the external components like camera and flash to view with a polymer-dispersed liquid crystal window which can change to visualize on demand.

I-Phone 6 Processor

I-Phone 6 review (Rumors)
I-Phone 6 will be containing more cores or processors. These cores will help the user to use I-Phone 6 without any interruption, lag and wait, so that the user can deal his social workings in a flawless way.

I-Phone 6 Features

I-Phone 6 review (Rumors)
I-Phone 6 will be completely social with its extreme features than before. I-Phone 6 will include large HD quality display screen. This phone will provide the facility to share photo steam, pre-installed Face-Book application in the Operating System name as Black-pool. There are other improved features in the I-Phone 6 Operating System that will make other devices easy in use.

I-Phone 6 review (Rumors)
The operating system of I-Phone 6 will be able to run on all the I-Phones from I-Phone 3GS to forward. I-Phone 6 apps have an improvement in it that, when a call comes user can swap up for the other applications and other options. When a message comes its features allow you to reply in the same moment or to remind you later to whom you want to response. These reminders can be time dependent or site dependent. For example you can set the time of the reminder that buzz up when you are at home.

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