Corporate Social Responsibility, A Business Approach Towards Environment

Corporate Social Responsibility, A Business Approach Towards Environment

As with the passage of time,the industrial cities are established in developed and developing countries ,it is perceived that, the only motive of an organization is only to make profit? This question leads to the study of social corporate responsibility.

Corporate Citizenship:

This concept arises,which tells that an organization primary motive should not only to make profit by adverse means ,besides this it should also be interested to comfort their employees,stakeholders and customers etc. It also leads towards "Corporate Citizenship" It results in organizational and individual strong performance and ultimately settle down the disputes and conflicts among employees and boss.

Long Run Productivity:

CSR leads to the employees commitment and performance along with organizational`s social responsibility towards its environment.
If we critically analyze CSR, we will come to know that by the development of strong relations between employees and stakeholders,a firm leads towards high long run productivity along with efficient performance. It indirectly enhance goodwill and reputation of corporation towards internal as well as external stakeholders.
Corporate Social Responsibility, A Business Approach Towards Environment

Coca Cola CSR:

In March, coca cola offers their customers a free talk time of three minutes of international call to the laborers of "Dubai". They installed five special booths in Dubai labor camps that accepted Coca-Cola bottle caps instead of coins. This is an effort to make comfort their customers without any profit motive.
Corporate Social Responsibility, A Business Approach Towards Environment

Strategy Building:

Now a days it is said that corporations should build strategies to increase in efficiency of CSR.Lack of CSR leads to lack of organizational and individual strong performance and ultimately arises the disputes and conflicts within and outside of corporation.It indirectly lost the corporation goodwill and ultimately create a pathetic condition of loss,results in high employee turnover and customer turnover ratio
So in a nutshell CSR plays an important role in building an organization with Strong relations and reputation with inner and outer stakeholders.It is very important to be executed in every firm to check their working as well as behavioral efficiency.
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