How to Treat Back Spasm at Home

Back spasms are painful contractions or cramps in the muscles of the back. The pain can be the result of overdoing it during an athletic workout or as simple as just moving wrong while getting out of bed or performing a household chore. According to the Sports Injury Bulletin, most back spasms affect the lower area of the back. Here are the ways you can treat the pain at home at your own.

1. Cold Therapy

Ice the area that hurts to relieve the pain of a back spasm. Apply an ice pack in a massaging motion to your back—you may need the help of a family member to reach the right spot—for a period of 12 minutes, according to Sports Injury Bulletin. The cold not only eases the pain but can reduce inflammation within the muscle and surrounding tissues. You can ice the painful area throughout the day, taking a 20-minute break between icing sessions.

2. Pain Reliever

Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to treat a back spasm at home. Most spasms that occur without ligament tearing can be helped by medications you probably already have in your medicine cabinet.

3. Leg Lifts

Perform leg lifts to strengthen your back and core and to help loosen up tight muscles that spasm often. Lie on the floor or a bed. Lift your right arm and left leg up as high as you can, keeping both limbs straight. Hold the position as long as you can before returning to your original position. Repeat the exercise with your left arm and right leg. Two sets of 10 repetitions of this exercise is adequate, according to the Sports Injury Bulletin.

5. Walk as much as possible

To whatever extent possible, try to get up and move as much as possible. For example, this could mean a day of mainly rest, followed by a day that includes several short walks around the house, followed by a day with a short walk every hour or half hour, or longer walks as tolerated. Prolonged inactivity will stiffen your muscles and will likely lead to more pain. In general, walking is gentle on your back and promotes blood flow, which in turn helps speeds, the healing process.

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