Added sugar is probably the single worst ingredient in the modern diet.
It has been associated with many serious diseases, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer and many simply dub it “poison.”
What's more, most people consume way too much sugar and often have no idea, particularly in the hidden kinds that lurk in foods from bagels to cereals. Fortunately, there are many ways to sweeten foods without adding sugar.
According to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, replacing 130 grams a day of refined sugars (the average intake) with healthy alternative natural sweeteners can increase the amount of antioxidants you consume each day, in amounts similar to that of consuming berries and nuts.
Read on for plenty of good alternatives for sugar.
1. Raw Honey
Remember, once honey has been pasteurized, it loses the many of the health benefits that raw honey brings to the table.
2. Maple Syrup
It is very high in sugar, generally comprising of 70 percent sucrose, with a low fructose level, and has been found to contain antioxidants.
3. Dates
4. Stevia
Stevioside is available in liquid drops, packets, dissolvable tablets and baking blends to sweeten tea, coffee, soups and sauces. Dried leaves and processed powders of Stevia are also available.