5 Natural Treatments for Anemia Symptoms

5 Natural Treatments for Anemia Symptoms- Muddlex

Anemia, also known as anaemia, occurs when your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells or if your red blood cells don’t have enough hemoglobin. Because a side effect of anemia is low circulation of oxygen, anemia symptoms usually include muscle weakness, ongoing fatigue or lethargy, brain fog, and sometimes mood changes. Severe anemia or unabated anemia can also sometimes cause complications, including damage to your heart, brain and other organs, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Although it’s rare, anemia that remains untreated can even become deadly.

You can treat anemia symptoms naturally in the following ways:
Nourish your spleen
Use probiotics for a healthy gut
Consume iron-rich foods
Reduce stress
Consider taking supplements

1. Nourish Your Spleen

The first natural treatment for anemia is really nourishing your spleen. Your spleen is an organ that is responsible for red blood cell production, as well as keeping fluids together in your system. If your spleen isn’t healthy, that’s one of the first factors that’s going to cause anemia.

There are specific foods that will actually help nourish your spleen, helping you overcome anemia symptoms naturally. That first food group is squash, specifically pumpkin, acorn squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash and those bright orange-colored foods. Think fall harvest! Those sorts of foods are fantastic for nourishing the spleen. Aim for getting one to two servings of squash in your daily diet. If you want some ideas, try my Butternut Squash Soup as a starter.

The other food group that’s very important for nourishing your spleen and red blood cell production is green leafy vegetables like nutrition-rich spinach, kale and chard. Having one serving of those per day, something like a Kale Caesar Salad or sautéed spinach, is also very nourishing to your spleen.

Last, but not least, bitter foods are great for the spleen, specifically vegetables like romaine lettuce and arugula salad. You can even consume bitter herbs before a meal as a supplement. But anything that’s sort of a bitter food is very nourishing for the spleen.

2. Use Probiotics for a Healthy Gut

Step number two to help you naturally overcome anemia symptoms is to boost gut health with probiotics. Gut health is crucial for absorption of nutrients. The principle is not: “You are what you eat.” Rather, it is: “You are what you digest.” If you’re not digesting properly and absorbing and assimilating nutrients properly, you’re not absorbing iron!

For a lot of people taking iron supplements, unfortunately they might not be working all that well. The reason is that their digestive system isn’t healthy; they probably have a condition called leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut doesn’t allow you to properly absorb iron as well as certain other vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B12, magnesium and zinc.

A medical study out of Stanford found that when somebody supplements with probiotics, all of their B vitamin levels tend to go up, along with iron levels. So rather than simply popping an iron tablet without fixing the underlying problem, try to make changes that tackle the root problem of poor gut health. I recommend you add in probiotic-rich foods to your diet like real homemade yogurt, goat milk kefir and sauerkraut. Then taking a probiotic supplement, typically 50 billion to 100 billion IUs daily, can definitely help support your iron absorption.

3. Consume Iron-Rich Foods

The next step in helping you overcome anemia symptoms is consuming iron-rich foods. The richest sources of heme iron (the more absorbable form) in the diet include lean meat and seafood. Dietary sources of non-heme iron include nuts, beans, vegetables and fortified grain products. In the United States, about half of dietary iron comes from bread, cereal and other grain products, but I recommend focusing on healthier options that are easier to digest instead.

Some of the best iron foods include beef liver and chicken liver. Liver? It might sound gross to you, but if you buy organic chicken liver at your local farmers’ market or at your health food store, you can put it in a slow cooker with chicken in equal ratios, or about a third liver, two-thirds chicken. Include vegetables like carrots, celery, onions and sea salt. This is the perfect meal to help replenish your liver, as it’s very high in iron. For other iron-rich foods, look toward organic, grass-fed meats like beef, bison and lamb. Also, eat spinach, kale and chard. Have a bison burger with a side of spinach, which is fantastic for helping you to reverse anemia.

4. Reduce Stress

If you’re emotionally stressed out and you struggle with forgiveness, anger, or have chronic worry and anxiety, those things really deplete your spleen and your liver and will exhaust those organs. So, really make sure that you are scheduling in times of relaxation and fun during your week. Plus, get plenty of sleep at night. Those things will really help recharge your system and body and help you bust stress. If you do those things, you’re going to see fantastic results in overcoming anemia.

5. Consider Taking Supplements

In addition to making the holistic changes described above, you can likely benefit from taking a B vitamin complex supplement that includes folate (not folic acid!), as well as an iron supplement, according to the NHLBI. Another bonus tip related to stress and spleen health: In Chinese medicine, anemia is very closely related to the spleen. And, certain herbs actually help support the spleen, especially ginseng. Ginseng is known as an adaptogenic herb that lowers cortisol. It can help your body better deal with stress. Lastly, benefit-rich beets also help with a healthy circulatory system and healthy iron levels.
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